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篇名 雲林大埤地區的複合式儀式動員網域:反思臺灣民間信仰的圈域研究
卷期 224
並列篇名 Complex Ritual Networks in Dapi Township, Yunlin County: Reflections on Circle Research in the Study of Taiwanese Popular Religion
作者 齊偉先郭應哲張舜斌
頁次 141-194
關鍵字 民間信仰大埤儀式儀式動員網域地方公共性popular religionDapi Townshipritualritual mobilization domainlocal public featuresTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202406




Based on a case study of Dapi Township in Yunlin County, this article aims to show that multiple ritual mobilization networks coexist in the same place while also shedding light on their composite forms. In contrast to the traditional concept of “circle,” this study broadly defines the networks of different religious units, which jointly organize ritual activities as a “ritual mobilization network.” The area covered by this network is regarded as a “ritual mobilization domain,” which is not necessarily presented in the form of a continuous block that the term “circle” used to imply. This article first draws on secondary literature to reflect on the applicability of the “circle” concept in explaining the actual situation of popular religion in the past. Then, taking Dapi Township as an example, our field observations find that it features a variety of mobilized ritual activities, with one specific ritual mobilization domain and one specific village chosen as the objects of research analysis. Our analysis reveals the characteristics of local public features in ritual mobilization domains and shows the connotations of their composite models. We also argue that these composite models represent a microcosm of common forms of popular religion in Taiwan. Finally, based on the above analysis, this paper reflects on the diversity of local people’s beliefs.
