
國際藝術教育學刊 THCI

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篇名 Exploring the Decision-making Process of Art Domain Curriculum Guidelines, 12-year Basic Education, Taiwan
卷期 22:1
作者 Chi Hui Huang
頁次 172-200
關鍵字 12-Year Basic EducationArt DomainCurriculum GuidelinesDecision-makingTHCI
出刊日期 202407



This paper aims to explore the issues of concern and decision-making methods in the process of formulating the 12-Year Basic Education Art Domain Curriculum Guidelines, employing the research methods of interview and text analysis. The findings identified issues of concern during the decision-making process including inconsistency between subject names and its legal-rational basis as well as some course integration issues. The study also looked into the decision-making model of the case of the 12-Year Basic Education Art Domain Curriculum Guidelines from the chairperson’s decisions, the no-site voting behavior and external pressures on the committee members during the discussion. The study in the end suggested to reconsider subject names at each educational stage; to establish the priority sequence of content and format; to enhance readability of the guidelines; to stream the meetings; to revise the interaction mechanism between curriculum review committee members and guidelines development committee members; and to organize curriculum training consensus-building workshops.
