
國際藝術教育學刊 THCI

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篇名 Teaching picture books from the integrated therapeutic perspective of arts and narratives
卷期 22:1
作者 Shyue Ying Chiang
頁次 128-151
關鍵字 Life NarrativeNarrative TherapyPicture BooksArt TherapyTHCI
出刊日期 202407



Modern art therapy theories are no longer limited to two significant approaches of art as therapy and art psychotherapy. They instead integrate varied practical psychotherapeutic theories such as narrative therapy and art therapy with its focus on sharing personal life narratives that are; transferred into stories and picture books through the narrative therapeutic techniques in the forms of externalization, de-construction, re-construction of new meanings and deep understanding of the self. This study uses the ATLAS.ti23 software for content analysis and thematic analysis of the idea of group cooperative learning as well as narrative witnessing and psychological support after finishing personal picture books. The results showed that picture books evoke valuable personal narratives; the idea of the framework for freedom promotes the joyful feeling in the spontaneous creating artworks; small group cooperative learning encourages safe expressions, which enhance the power of psychological support; and personal unique life narrative picture books improve one’s self-awareness.
