
國際藝術教育學刊 THCI

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篇名 A reflection in the practicum of pre-service arts teachers
卷期 22:1
作者 Jenny Evans
頁次 082-094
關鍵字 ReflectionExperiential LearningHermeneutic PhenomenologyAction ResearchTHCI
出刊日期 202407



This study explores pre-service art educators’ use of reflection as a part of their teacher certification. Following Dewey’s theory of knowledge, a case study taking action research approach is designed to have preservice students reflect weekly and at the end of the semester to explore lessons learned, experiences, and challenges during their practicum. The reflection of this researcher compares Gibbs theory of reflection with Feldman’s art criticism on the one hand, and it employs Eisner’s theory of art making to learning on the other hand. Analysis explores how they utilized Lynda Barry’s Basic Quick Diary Format to reflect and combine art into their visual journal practice. Findings recognized necessary modifications in the program that need to be addressed to meet the student needs and support confidence levels in various teaching areas, which includes assessment, classroom behavior, and differentiated instruction. Aside from the confirmation that the use of reflection in teaching did connect theory and practice, the researcher also reports that reflection is still in use by the art educators even they are no longer pre-service teachers.
