
國際藝術教育學刊 THCI

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篇名 Rupture and Repair: Perilous Relationality within Arts-Based Autoethnographic Supervision
卷期 22:1
作者 Deborah GreenHilary Tapper
頁次 038-061
關鍵字 SupervisionArts-based ResearchAutoethnographyRelationship DiscordCreative Arts TherapyTHCI
出刊日期 202407



Supervising students embroiled in arts-based autoethnography (abr+a) inevitably involves holding space while the student-researcher wrangles distressing material – poiesis within abr+a invites us close-in to the arts, to uncertainty and formlessness. Well-established guidelines govern researcher and participant/subject relationships. Less granulated attention has been given to ethical dilemmas inherent in supervisor-supervisee relationships, especially when the chosen methodology/ies decentre traditional power-dynamics and objectivity, evoking personal creative, emotional and/or spiritual material. Traveling with CA(r)Tographic intent, this research journey follows a non-traditional structural-map, inviting the reader-viewer into an unfolding dialogic meander as new knowings arrive and are creatively explored. Venturing into the topography opened by the rupture and ongoing repair of one such relationship, this article explores ways intra-subjective* and emotionally-laden supervisory entanglements may be ethically held.
