
國際藝術教育學刊 THCI

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篇名 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Art Education: A Narrative Review
卷期 22:1
作者 Sheng Kuan Chung
頁次 001-021
關鍵字 Artificial IntelligenceArt EducationCreative ExpressionCritical ThinkingAI Visual LiteracyTHCI
出刊日期 202407



The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) presents a tremendous opportunity to reimagine and revitalize art education. AI provides art educators with exciting new tools to cultivate creative expression, critical thinking, and social awareness in the next generation of artists and consumers of visual culture. This timely review takes a close look at how AI-enabled technologies can enhance art pedagogy and curriculum. From harnessing data analytics to discern successful teaching methods, to utilizing immersive media like Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality to amplify student engagement, AI is here to reinvent all aspects of art education. Additionally, as this review discusses, AI can help address issues of equity and social justice in art education through personalized instruction and emerging platforms that give voice to marginalized populations. While art educators must carefully examine the ethical implications of these rising technologies, AI’s potential to nurture creative individuals is truly exciting. The review concludes by underscoring the need to examine the potential challenges associated with the use of AI in art education to ensure its alignment with promoting an inclusive learning environment.
