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篇名 莊子〈齊物論〉身體支離形象義蘊探微──從憨山德清對南郭子綦評述語之異詮論起
卷期 35
並列篇名 An Exploration of the Meaning of the Body Disintegration Image in Zhuangzi’s “On Seeing Things as Equal”:Starting with the Different Interpretation of Hanshan Deqing’s Commentary on Nanguo Ziqi
作者 陳貴弘
頁次 251-308
關鍵字 莊子齊物論身體支離卮言ZhuangziOn Seeing Things as Equalbodydisintegrationspillover saying
出刊日期 202403




The beginning of the seven “Inner Chapters” in Zhuangzi often carry deep meanings. In “ On Seeing Things as Equal”, the image of Nanguo Ziqi’s speechless and awkward state is used to start the chapter. After describing this image, Yancheng Ziyou asks him a question, to which Ziqi responds, thus transitioning from a state of silence and physical display to a state of verbal expression. The phrase “Isn’t it good for Yan to ask me?” is crucial to Ziqi’s self-awareness and evaluation of the transition between the two states. Since the Tang Dynasty, Cheng Xuan-ying and others have generally interpreted this phrase as praise for Ziyou’s questioning ability. However, upon further examination of the context and grammatical structure, the positive interpretation of the mainstream interpretation should be carefully considered. During the Ming Dynasty, Hanshan Deqing proposed a different interpretation, believing that Ziqi was actually criticizing Ziyou’s questioning behavior as inappropriate. This interpretation challenges the general understanding of this phrase and helps us reflect on the possible original meaning of the text, which is a flexible expression of returning to experience on the spot. If this paper’s analysis of Ziqi’s phrase is successful, it can reconcile the hidden conflict between Hanshan’s interpretation and the traditional mainstream interpretation, and reveal the meanings contained in their differences. This concerns the relationship between the body disintegration image and “spillover saying”, as well as the significance of this image for the author and reader of the text. From the perspective of the author, the state and experience of the disintegrated body may be the source of Zhuangzi’s bizarre words and thoughts. From the reader’s perspective, the shock and admiration that emerges unconsciously when reading words or observing physical appearance may have caused a profound transformation in their mental and physical state.
