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篇名 「水部家法」與「賈師法門」:論《重訂中晚唐詩主客圖》中的五律典範建構
卷期 35
並列篇名 The paradigm building of Five-syllable Lines on the Revised Collection of Renowned Poems in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty
作者 鍾曉峰
頁次 129-160
關鍵字 李懷民《重訂中晚唐詩主客圖》張籍賈島五言律詩Li Huai-minRevised Collection of Renowned Poems in the Middle and Late Tang DynastyFive-syllable LinesZhang JiJia Dao
出刊日期 202403




Li Huai-min discussed and criticized the five-syllable Lines and verses of in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty. He not only rediscovered the importance of the poetry of the middle and late Tang Dynasty, but also constructed a evaluation standard of five-syllable Lines. First of all, he emphasized that the five-syllable Lines is an important beginning of learning poetry. Secondly, Li Huai-min He believed that the title of a poem determines the quality of the work. Thirdly, He specifically pointed out the structure of five-character verses. As a result, Li Huai-min demonstrates Zhang and Jia’s poems as two different trends of poetry and indicated the relationship between them based on their artistic characteristics.
