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篇名 幸福角落的隱蔽與敞開——白居易閒適詩中床與舟的空間詩學解讀
卷期 35
並列篇名 The hiddenness and openness of happy corners——A spatial poetics interpretation of the bed and boat in Bai Juyi’s leisurely poems
作者 侯迺慧
頁次 001-056
關鍵字 唐詩白居易空間詩學床枕舟船Tang poetryBai Juyispatial poeticsbedboat
出刊日期 202403




This article aims to explore the two special spaces of bed and boat in Bai Juyi’s leisurely poems. Starting from Bai Juyi’s writings about bed and boat, we analyze the concealment and openness of space con-tained in them, and through the theory of spatial poetics, we propose the meaning of the corners of the house in different dimensions, and explore its diverse meanings of happiness. Paradise symbol. At the same time, we discuss Bai Juyi’s psychological intentions through the description of body postures, proving that the presentation of the bed state and boat state is intended to mark the poet’s value choices and life realm. In fact, he uses poetry to open up the poet himself. Finally, a diagram is used to unfold the path to happiness and the key to paradise in the two corners of the house, the bed and the boat.
