
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 中美貿易戰、新冠肺炎對臺商企業產業轉移的影響:湘南長期田野調查的分析
卷期 67:1
並列篇名 The Impact of the U.S.-China Trade War and Covid-19 on Transferred Taiwanese Firms in Southern Hunan
作者 李孔智郭永興
頁次 089-119
關鍵字 中美貿易戰新冠肺炎產業轉移臺商湖南U.S. - China Trade WarCovid-19Industrial TransferTaiwanese Firms in ChinaHunanTSSCI
出刊日期 202403
DOI 10.30389/MCS.202403_67(1).0003




Since the mid-2000s, the industrial transfer has been the important issue related to the development of inland region and manufacturing's growth in China. This paper focuses on the influence of the U.S - China trade war and Covid-19 on transferred Taiwanese firms. Although Taiwanese industrial association has conducted similar surveys about Taiwanese firms' responses to the trade war and Covid-19 over the past few years, the most data collected from the surveys is the reflection of Taiwanese enterprises' intention but not their action. A serious of authors' fieldworks in the southern Hunan (including the latest fieldtrip in the summer of 2023) could provide the clear picture of what Taiwanese enterprises did in the past years caused by the trade war and Covid-19. Referring to the influence of Covid-19, we discovered that China's restriction for controlling the pandemic did not make the Taiwanese firms move factories out of China. Referring to the trade war, we find that most Taiwanese firms were influenced by the trade dispute but only few firms would completely retreat factories from China. Most firms have decreased the risk of the trade war by moving some production lines abroad or exploring non - U.S. market. Authors' fieldworks revealed that many transferred Taiwanese firms have built new production lines in Southeast Asia since 2018. As we observed, the trade war did cause the transfer of Taiwanese factories from inland China to relocate abroad.
