
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 娛樂意識形態化:中國網路遊戲治理中的國家社會關係
卷期 67:1
並列篇名 Entertainment Ideologization: The Online Games Governance of State-Society Relationship in China
作者 林疋愔
頁次 051-087
關鍵字 國家社會關係娛樂意識形態化網路遊戲宣傳流行文化State-Society RelationsEntertainment IdeologizationOnline GamesPropagandaPop CultureTSSCI
出刊日期 202403
DOI 10.30389/MCS.202403_67(1).0002




How the state ensures public obedience through ideological work is a vital perspective of state-society relations in authoritarian regimes, and it remains a "China Studies" classic. As the influence of pop culture on Chinese society has grown, the CCP has recognized its potential to shape the minds of young people as well, so they began to the control and guidance of its propaganda system. The ideological policy not only helps to maintain the legitimacy of the regime but also an important instrument in the Party-state's toolbox of thought control. This paper will take online games as an example and try to analyze: (1) the changes in the regulatory institutions and policy environment of Chinese games; (2) the ideological changes in the framework of game issues. It also compares the similarities and differences between Hu Jintao's and Xi Jinping's periods. By collecting 160 Chinese online games (from 2008 to 2022), which we can learn a more detailed discussion of these comparative content categories coding, the study observes the impact of power structure changes on game commodities during the Hu and Xi's periods. This article proposes the concept of "entertainment ideologization" to explain how Xi Jinping's second term has seen an integration moderate trend towards fragmentation through Party centralizing institutional reforms. This has led to a proliferation of the propagames after 2018 and has important implications for constructing the dynamic framework of state-society relations.
