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篇名 融入新媒體的法語教學實務-1
卷期 30
並列篇名 Teaching Differently with New Media in Taiwan – 1
作者 黃彬茹
頁次 071-088
關鍵字 新媒體螢幕法語教學手機應用程式new mediascreenFLEapp
出刊日期 202312
DOI 10.53106/181147172023120030005




In a digitalized, connected world, new media are omnipresent in everyday life. The arrival of new ways of reading has also transformed our cultural habits. Faced with a generation that is “dropping out”, the use of screens (smartphone, tablet) remains a thorny issue in the classroom. However, it seems to us that the impact of screens on learners is far from absolutely harmful. How can we make learners aware of the need to use digital tools responsibly? Our study will highlight the role of screens not only as learning tools, but also as learning motivators. With the increased use of new media, the exponential development of applications installed in a mobile phone also appears to be a trend in learning. It therefore seems essential to us to examine the place of applications in the teaching of French. In the second part, we will show the results of research carried out from 2018 to 2023. Further reflections will also be carried out on the possibilities open to the use of new media. The study will finally be illustrated using concrete examples, focusing in particular on the reflections of our learners.
