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篇名 論犯罪題材於德國當代之接受
卷期 30
並列篇名 An Approach to the Reception of Crime Theme in Contemporary Germany
作者 趙崇任
頁次 055-070
關鍵字 德國犯罪懸疑推理驚悚Germancrimethrillersuspensedetective
出刊日期 202312
DOI 10.53106/181147172023120030004




The creation of crime-themed works has a long history in both western and eastern worlds. Different cultures have collided and sparked new ideas, leading to more content and stylistic changes. Nowadays, many countries have well-known crime writers, such as Dan Brown from the US, Sebastian Fitzek from Germany, Jo Nesbo from Norway, Higashino Keigo from Japan, and Zijin Chen from China. With the rapid development of technology and media transformation, there are even more possibilities for presenting crime themes, like from books to multimedia. There is no doubt that crime themes are still popular in many countries and have become a shared interest among different races, ages, genders, and classes. Among many countries, Germany people’s love for crime themes is especially noticeable. Therefore, based on the long history of crime themes, this article will clarify the reception and the development in contemporary Germany, and analyze the phenomenon of German people’s love for these themes.
