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篇名 對抗大屠殺虛無主義與絕望:維瑟爾回憶錄書寫之齊克果式詮釋蹊徑
卷期 30
並列篇名 Confronting Holocaust Nihilism and Despair: A Kierkegaardian Venture of Understanding Elie Wiesel’s Memoir Writing
作者 周岫琴
頁次 001-020
關鍵字 大屠殺虛無主義生存絕望死亡印記維瑟爾回憶錄書寫齊克果Holocaust nihilismexistential despairimprint of deathKierkegaardWiesel’s memoir writing
出刊日期 202312
DOI 10.53106/181147172023120030001




This paper aims to undertake a Kierkegaardian investigation into Elie Wiesel’s writing of his memorable but nihilistic Holocaust memoir, Night. Documenting the meaningless death of Auschwitz and the despair of its horror, such memoir writing is tremendously elusive and difficult to read, even impossible for “interpretation.” To tackle this hermeneutical challenge, this study attempts to employ a counter-nihilistic approach to Wiesel’s writing of Holocaust nihilism and the post-Holocaust “imprint of death” via appropriating Kierkegaard’s existential-religious ideas about despair, religious anxiety, and constituting the self. With the intent to venture deep into the “dead-land” existence situated in the de-humanized universe of no meaning, no hope and no God, this Kierkegaardian examination of Wiesel’s memoir writing attempts to explore whether the writing of the horrible memory can be seen as invested with anxiety of meaning and living, and the voiced anger as the expression of rebellion against (post-)Holocaust despair. Ultimately, through ascertaining the rebellious spirit embedded within Wiesel’s writing vis-à-vis Kierkegaard’s thinking of faith in God, rather than mere defiance against death, as crucial for tackling nihilistic despair, the study concludes with understanding Wiesel’s memoir writing as an enterprise more of “the messenger of the dead” than of “the messenger of God.”
