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篇名 國軍人才招募政策導入需求理論創造持續性發展之研究
卷期 44:2
並列篇名 A Study on the Implementation of Needs Theory in the National Military Recruitment Policy for Sustainable Development
作者 牛明山李政倫劉憲明
頁次 063-083
關鍵字 國軍人才招募策略組織吸引力個人與組織配適需求層次理論Military Recruitment StrategyOrganizational AttractivenessPerson Organization FitHierarchy of Needs Theory
出刊日期 202311




With the challenges posed by an aging population and declining birth rates, significant structural changes have emerged in the labor market, resulting in military units facing competition with private enterprises for talent acquisition. This study aims to enhance the attractiveness of military organizations as employers. It does so by utilizing the theory of person-organization fit as a foundational perspective for assessing organizational attractiveness. To establish an evaluation framework and criteria, we incorporate Maslow's hierarchy of needs. By employing the Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) in conjunction with the Analytic Network Process (ANP), we conduct an analysis to determine the relative weights and relationships between different dimensions and criteria associated with human needs. The findings reveal that the "physiological" and "safety" dimensions play pivotal roles as key influential factors, demonstrating high centrality. They hold the greatest overall assessment importance and have a direct impact on other dimensions. Notably, the "self-actualization" dimension is the most influenced by other dimensions. Moreover, in terms of assessment criteria, "family relations" and "career goals" emerge as the two most significant factors based on their weightings. Drawing from these empirical findings, we propose strategic directions for the planning of talent recruitment policies within military organizations.
