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篇名 探討利己價值觀與環境行為之心理機制-以國軍社會責任知覺為中介變項
卷期 44:2
並列篇名 Exploring the psychological mechanism of Egoistic Value and environmental behavior, using Perceived Military Social Responsibility as a mediating variable
作者 劉福運洪承澤姜烽翊
頁次 042-062
關鍵字 國軍社會責任知覺利己價值觀綠色購買行為環保意識Perceived Military Social ResponsibilityEgoistic ValueGreen Purchasing BehaviorsEnvironmental Awareness
出刊日期 202311




In response to the rapid development of the global economy, the environmental hazards caused by it have attracted the attention of all walks of life, and the issues related to sustainable management and development have become a trend. However, few studies have focused on sustainable consumption issues in the military sector. This research draws on the perspective of social responsibility to develop a sustainable consumption model, and expounds the mechanism by which the Military egoistic values and social responsibility affect the green consumption behavior of members. Through 395 valid samples (87 groups of teams) and using value-belief-norm theory, this study uses with egoistic value as an independent variable, the perceived military social responsibility as an intermediary variable, green purchasing behaviors as dependent variables, and cross-level environmental awareness as a moderator variable. Explore the relationship between perceived military social responsibility and green purchasing behaviors to fills the above research gap. The results confirmed the inference of the sustainable consumption model, and learned that the perceived military social responsibility is an important factor in egoistic values and green purchasing behaviors. It shows that members of the military have positive and significant feelings about promoting the practice of social responsibility, which will help the government to promote future policies. And the study found that the military's environmental values are conducive to pro-environmental behaviors, expanding the research contribution of green purchasing behaviors, to achieve the ultimate goal of promoting sustainable development goals.
