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篇名 應用隱喻抽取技術探討軍人世家成員之心智模式
卷期 44:2
並列篇名 Study on the Mental Model of Members from Families with a Military Heritage
作者 吳碧珠戴麗哲
頁次 021-041
關鍵字 隱喻抽取技術軍人世家職業發展共識地圖心智模式Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique Families with a Military HeritageCareer DevelopmentConsensus MapMental Model
出刊日期 202311


在時代變遷與少子化衝擊下,人們在職業決策時有更多機會與抉擇。然許多生長於軍人家庭之成員,面臨諸多社會因素影響與職業發展機會,卻仍延續家族軍人職業,以從軍作為終身職業,本研究希冀探求這些世代從軍的軍人世家,研究其成員內心想法與潛在需求,瞭解該族群以有助於國軍人員招募,乃至長留久用、為國貢獻。 本研究以軍人世家成員為研究對象,透過隱喻抽取技術,發掘受訪者內心深層的思維與情感,瞭解軍人世家成員之心智模式,依據共識地圖中相關構念間的因果關係,將研究結果整理分類為「起始構念」、「連結構念」及「終結構念」呈現。起始構念「耳濡目染」、「崇拜父兄」強化軍人家庭成員之從軍動機;連結構念「職涯資訊」、「關係資本」增強軍人世家成員之留營意願;「期待認同」、「苦盡甘來」則為最終價值構念,並據以提出五大管理意涵:(1)代代傳承,以持續為國軍培養優秀人才;(2)打造資訊透明之選才制度,暢通溝通管道;(3)提升大眾對國軍之認同,塑造優良品牌形象;(4)降低官兵家庭生活照顧壓力,落實後援機制;(5)強化退役後就業轉職與輔導機制。


With the changes in the era and a significant drop in the birthrate, young people nowadays have more opportunities to choose their career development. However, amid the influence of so many social factors and career choice opportunities, many members who grew up in military families still serve in the military as their career. The study investigated the members from families with a military heritage using Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) to explore the factors that explain this phenomenon. Including the inner thoughts and potential needs of the members, as well as what factors would affect the recruitment of military personnel, and influence them to stay in the military for a longer term. Based on the causal relationship among key constructs, the consensus map was mapped into "initial", "connected" and "final" constructs. It was found that the initial concepts of "Family influence" and "Reference of Fathers and Brothers" strengthen the motivation of military family members to join the military; while the connected constructs "Career Information" and "Relationship Capital" enhance the willingness of military family members to stay in the camp; "Wish for Recognition" and "Final Reward" are the final value constructs. According to the research results, the following five management implications for the development of future personnel training and recruitment strategies were suggested: (1) continuously cultivate talented military personnel from generation to generation; (2) Create a transparent selection system and smooth organizational communication channels; (3) Enhance the public's recognition of the military and create a brand image; (4) Reduce the pressure of family care and back-up mechanisms for the military personnel; (5) Strengthen the mechanism related to employment, job transfer and counseling after discharge from the military.
