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篇名 會談邊際控制器於網路電話架構下的安全性實證研究
卷期 44:2
並列篇名 An Empirical Study of Security of SBC(Session Border Controller)in VoIP Networks
作者 潘森豪劉興華伍台國
頁次 001-020
關鍵字 會談邊際控制器整合通信服務協議轉換傳輸層安全協定安全及時傳輸協定Session Border ControllerUnified Communication as a ServiceProtocol conversionTransport Layer SecuritySecurity Real-time Transport Protocol
出刊日期 202311


VoIP於通資整合技術大幅提升的優勢下獲得了大量的應用,展現於近兩年全球新冠疫情嚴峻,以VoIP為核心技術的雲整合通訊服務UCaaS(Unified Communication as a Service)引領居家辦公成為另一種工作型態。UCaaS是基於Internet網際網路連結的服務架構,於通訊傳輸上存在安全的風險。本研究根據近年來網路語音設備製造商所提出的會談邊際控制器(SBC),依照其提供協議轉換、資料加密、身份鑑別、防止惡意攻擊等安全防護機制,架設實際的通信環境;分別在Azure雲端服務平台安裝軟體版本的SBC-SWe,及本地端安裝實體的SBC,打造一個簡易的UCaaS通信環境以實作方式驗證。研究結果可作為產品改善的依據,也藉此提升客戶使用意願。


VoIP has lots of applications due to the advantages of the greatly improved integration of information and communication technology. It has been shown in the severe global Covid-19 epidemic in the past two years. Cloud-integrated communication service UCaaS (Unified Communication as a Service) using VoIP as the core technology has led the work-from-home to another work style. The service of UCaaS is based on the service structure of Internet connection, and there is a risk of security in communication transmission. This study is based on the Session Border Controller (SBC) proposed by the manufacturer of Internet voice equipment in recent years. According to SBC provides security protection mechanism such as protocol conversion, data encryption, identity authentication, prevention of malicious attacks, etc., to set up the real communication environment. Install the software version of SBC-SWe on the Azure cloud service platform and install the physical SBC on the local side whitch it creates a simple UCaaS communication environment to verify by implementation. The research results can be used as a basis for product improvement, and enhance customers' willingness to use.
