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篇名 電子競技專班學生A型行為、課業壓力與偏差行為之研究
卷期 22:2
並列篇名 A Study on Type A Behavior, Academic Pressure and Deviation of E-Sports Students
作者 李居旺劉志豪羅鴻仁
頁次 001-019
關鍵字 電子競技A型行為課業壓力偏差行為e-sportstype A behavioracademic pressuredeviation behavior
出刊日期 202312




The main purpose of this study was to understand the latent relationships among type A behavior, academic pressure, and deviation behavior of e-sports students. Using the questionnaire and Structural Equation Modeling to analyze the data, the results revealed that: (1) There are significant differences between different genders in Type A behavior and deviant behavior, while in Type A behavior, female students feel more than male students, and in deviant behavior, male students feel higher than female students; different grades have a higher degree of deviant behavior Significant differences, among which the students in the third grade are higher than those in the first and second grades; there is no significant difference in each variable whether they participate in the intramural e-sports team or not; there were no significant differences in the educational attainment of parents and parents; (2) The highest structural coefficient was Type A behavior and academic pressure(.84), followed by classwork pressure and deviant behavior(.34) and Type A behavior and deviant behavior(.13). (3) schoolwork pressure demonstrated the fully mediating effect between type A behavior and deviation behavior. Based on the results, the researchers recommended that domestic educational institutions and school organizations should strengthen the implementation of campus life management for students in e-sports classes, and use egoism in curriculum planning to improve students' learning outcomes, so as to reduce academic pressure and eliminate deviations behavior.
