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篇名 經濟弱勢與優勢學生的學習成就差異與家庭學習資源、自我教育期望對學習成就影響的探究
卷期 151
並列篇名 The Differences in Learning Achievement of Economically Disadvantaged and Advantaged Students and the Influence of Family Learning Resources and Self-Education Expectations on Learning Achievement
作者 張芳全
頁次 213-241
關鍵字 自我教育期望家庭學習資源經濟弱勢學習成就國中生economically disadvantagedacademic achievementjunior school studentsself-education expectationshome learning resources
出刊日期 202405
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202405_(151).0010


本研究探討九年級的經濟弱勢與優勢生在八個領域的學習成就差異,以及自我教育期望與家庭學習資源對於八項學習成就的影響,從基隆市國中生學習狀況調查資料庫獲得資料,其中經濟弱勢與優勢學生各有268與105名。經過Hotelling T²與迴歸分析,結論顯示:經濟優勢生在國文、英語、數學、自然、社會、健康與體育、綜合領域的學習成就明顯高於經濟弱勢生,尤其在英語學習成就差距最大,而經濟弱勢與優勢學生在藝術與人文領域的學習成就沒有明顯差異。經濟弱勢生的自我教育期望與家庭學習資源對八個領域的學習成就有提升效果,而經濟優勢生的自我教育期望對八項學習成就也有提升效果,但是家庭學習資源僅對英語學習成就有顯著影響,對其他領域學習成就沒有明顯影響。本研究特色在於發現,經濟弱勢與優勢學生在七個領域的學習成就有明顯差異,在藝術與人文領域的學習成就沒有明顯不同。經濟弱勢學生的家庭學習資源及自我教育期望對於學習成就提升都重要,但是自我教育期望更重要。經濟優勢生的自我教育期望仍對學習成就有提升效果,而家庭學習資源則受到資源飽和效應,無法提升學習成就。這些結論提供學校、教師及學生在縮減經濟弱勢與優勢生學習成就差距參考。


The purpose of this study is to explore the differences in the learning achievements of the ninth grade economically disadvantaged and advantaged students in eight domains, as well as the impact of self-education expectations and family learning resources on learning achievements, using the data from the survey database of junior high school students in Keelung city. Among them there were 268 and 105 economically disadvantaged and advantaged students respectively. After Hotelling T² and regression analysis, the conclusion showed that economically advantaged students have significantly higher learning achievements in Chinese, English, mathematics, nature, society, health and sports, and comprehensive fields than economically disadvantaged students, especially in English learning, while economically disadvantaged and advantaged students had no significant difference in academic achievement in the fields of arts and humanities. The self-education expectations and home learning resources of the economically disadvantaged students can improve the learning achievements of the eight areas, and the self-education expectations of the economically advantaged students can also improve the eight learning achievements, but the home learning resources only had a significant impact on the English learning achievements, had no significant effect on learning achievement in other domains. The characteristic of this study was that there were significant differences in the learning achievements of economically disadvantaged and advantaged students in the seven domains, but there was no significant difference in the learning achievements of the arts and humanities. The home learning resources and self-education expectations of economically disadvantaged students were very important for the improvement of academic achievement, especially the self-education expectations. Although the self-education expectations of economically advantaged students still had an effect on improving academic achievement, family learning resources were affected by the effect of resource saturation and cannot improve academic achievement. These conclusions provided references for schools, teachers, and students to reduce the learning achievement gap between economically disadvantaged and advantaged students.
