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篇名 一所新設公立實驗學校經營之個案研究
卷期 151
並列篇名 The Case Study on the Management of a New-Established Public Experimental School
作者 賴志峰
頁次 166-193
關鍵字 實驗教育學校型態實驗教育教育領導Experimental EducationEducational LeadershipSchoolbased Experimental Education
出刊日期 202405
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202405_(151).0008




Since the enactment of the Experimental Education Law, experimental education has been developing vigorously. Public experimental schools, based on specific educational concepts, conduct integrated experimental education on a school-wide basis to provide parents with educational choices. In this study, a newly established public experimental school was selected for investigation. Interviews and document analysis were conducted to focus on the innovative operation and to present its unique experience as a reference for future experimental school operation. The study concludes that under the leadership of the principal, the school team has established an experimental education mechanism through deep dialogue. The school has adopted practices and strategies such as flat organization, clustered classrooms, large school district, teacher professional development, curriculum development, theme-based curriculum, quarter system, parent-teacher communication, and self-directed learning to build up the characteristics of the school operation.
