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篇名 教 育研究應用SPSS分析AHP-express(下)
卷期 151
並列篇名 Using SPSS for AHP-express in Educational Research (III)
作者 葉連祺
頁次 131-165
關鍵字 分析層級法SPSS教育研究分析層級捷速法修正型分析層級捷速法SPSSeducational researchAHPAHP-expressAnalytic Hierarchy ProcessMAHP-express
出刊日期 202405
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202405_(151).0007




AHP-express simplifies the operations of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). It is easy to use, and popular for researchers in recent years. The study illustrated the related theories about AHP-express, and also pointed out some it’s deficiencies. Moreover the study discussed using first item as compared base, conducting group analysis with aggregation of individual priorities (AIP) and arithmetic mean (AM), and other new ideas. To improve AHP-express, this study proposed testing the structure between dimensions and items, comparing the differences between items’ weights, clustering items with their weights. These new idea and operations form a modified AHP-express (MAHP-express). Finally some programs based on SPSS common language were designed for AHP-express. MAHP-express and its analytic programs were tested by real data and virtual data with SPSS programs and showed good performance.
