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篇名 幼兒教師工作玩興對工作投入的影響:自我效能感的中介作用
卷期 151
並列篇名 Prediction of Kindergarten Teachers’ Job Playfulness on Their Job Involvement: The Partial Mediating Effect of Self-efficacy
作者 高健宋雨柔
頁次 077-093
關鍵字 幼兒教師工作玩興工作投入自我效能感kindergarten teacherjob involvementjob playfulnessself-efficacy
出刊日期 202405
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202405_(151).0004




There was positive correlation between kindergarten teachers’ job playfulness and their job involvement. In order to explore how job playfulness affect job involvement, 835 kindergarten teachers were investigated using Kindergarten Teachers’ Job Playfulness Scale, Teacher Self-efficacy Scale, and Kindergarten Teachers’ Job Involvement Scale. It showed that kindergarten teachers’ job playfulness, job involvement, and self-efficacy were above their medium levels; Kindergarten teachers’ job playfulness significantly predicted their job involvement; And self-efficacy played a partial mediating role between job playfulness and job involvement. So it is important for kindergarten teachers’ job involvement to improve their professional qualifications, occupational entry thresholds, and organizational playfulness climate; And also it was necessary to reform the preservice training system, and increase teachers’ salaries with balancing rural and urban areas.
