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篇名 技術型高中校長課程領導之個案研究:以餐飲管理科推動雙語實驗班為例
卷期 151
並列篇名 A Case Study of Curriculum Leadership by Principals in Vocational High Schools: The Promotion of Bilingual Experimental Classes in the Culinary Management Department
作者 黃烽榮王淑慈范熾文
頁次 030-050
關鍵字 技職教育課程領導雙語教育Technological and Vocational Education Curriculum LeadershipBilingual Education
出刊日期 202405
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202405_(151).0002


在2030雙語政策推動下,教育部擴增雙語實驗班計畫,雙語實驗班辦理校數逐年成長,鼓勵學校擔任政策推行之領頭羊。校長在推動過程對於課程實施提供支持與引導,為個案學校注入新氣象。本研究以東光技術型高中(化名)為研究場域,旨在探究個案學校校長如何透過課程領導推動雙語實驗教育,採用半結構式訪談法,分別就個案學校校長課程領導的角色、雙語教學實施過程及其對學生學習影響等三方面進行資料蒐集。根據研究結果分析與討論,得到如下的結論:一、校長為帶動教師專業發展之推手,需凝聚共識進行溝通;二、校長推動雙語實驗班的困難,包含課程、教材開發與師資的困境; 三、雙語實驗班學生尚能展現自信心、學習在地文化融入與國際鏈結的面貌。


In light of the 2030 bilingual policy initiative, the Department of National Education and Preschool Education has expanded the bilingual experimental class program, with a year-on-year increase in the number of schools participating, encouraging schools to take the lead in policy implementation. Principals play a pivotal role in the promotion process by providing support and guidance for curriculum implementation, thereby revitalizing the case study schools. This study focuses on Dong-guang Technical High School (pseudonym) as the research site, aiming to explore how the principal of the case school promotes bilingual experimental education through curriculum leadership. Utilizing semi-structured interviews, the study collects data on three aspects: the role of the principal in curriculum leadership, the process of implementing bilingual teaching, and its impact on student learning. The analysis and discussion of the research findings lead to the following conclusions: Firstly, principals act as catalysts for teacher professional development and need to foster consensus and communication. Secondly, the challenges faced by principals in promoting bilingual experimental classes include curriculum and teaching material development, as well as difficulties in teacher recruitment. Finally, students in bilingual experimental classes demonstrate confidence, the ability to integrate local culture, and connect internationally.
