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篇名 國中生的閱讀技巧變化軌跡對於學習成就影響之探究
卷期 151
並列篇名 An Investigation of the Effects of Changes in Reading Skills on Academic Achievement of Junior High School Students
作者 張芳全
頁次 001-029
關鍵字 閱讀技巧學習成就潛在成長模式academic achievementlatent growth modelingreading skills
出刊日期 202405
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202405_(151).0001


國中生長時間的閱讀技巧變化對學習成就的影響值得探討。本研究以基隆市國中生學習狀況資料庫的資料,分析1,586名學生在五學期閱讀技巧變化軌跡,並瞭解閱讀技巧變化對學習成就影響。本研究透過積差相關係數、單因子重複量數的變異數分析、迴歸分析與潛在成長模式分析的結論如下:國中生在五學期的閱讀技巧變化軌跡呈現W型現象,九年級上學期的閱讀技巧最差,八年級下學期的閱讀技巧最好,八年級上學期與九年級上學期的閱讀技巧有明顯差異,其他學期之間沒有明顯不同。七年級下學期的閱讀技巧愈好, 九年級下學期的學習成就愈好;國中生五學期閱讀技巧變化對九年級下學期的學習成就有提升作用。本研究特色在於發現,國中生閱讀技巧沒有穩定發展,打破閱讀技巧會隨著學期會愈來愈好的迷思;同時閱讀技巧變化對學習成就有提升作用。學校應長期追蹤學生閱讀技巧,教師及家長應教導子女閱讀技巧策略。


It is worthwhile to investigate the effects of longitudinal changes in reading skills on academic achievement of junior high school students. The purpose of this study is to analyze the trajectories of reading skill changes of 1,586 students during the five semesters in Keelung city through the database of Keelung city junior high school students’ learning status, and understood the effects of reading skill on academic achievement. Through the analysis of the correlation coefficient, repeated measures analysis of variance, the regression analysis, and the latent growth model, the conclusions were as follows: The trajectories of reading skill changes of junior high school students during the five semesters showed a W-shape phenomenon, and the worst reading skill was found in the first semester of grade 9, and the worst reading skill in the second semester of grade 8. The worst reading skills were found in the first semester of ninth grade, the best reading skills were found in the second semester of eighth grade, and there was a significant difference between the first semester of eighth grade and the first semester of ninth grade, while there was no significant difference between the other semesters. The higher the reading skills of the seventh graders, the better the academic achievement in the second semester of the ninth grade. Meanwhile, the change of reading skills in the fifth semester of the junior high school students had a positive effect on the academic achievement in the second semester of the ninth grade. The characteristics of this study were that the reading skills of junior high school students have not developed steadily, which pointed out the myth that reading skills will get better with the semester, and that changes in reading skills had an enhancing effect on the academic achievement of ninth graders. Schools should track students' reading skills over a long period of time, and teachers and parents should teach their children reading skills and strategies.
