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篇名 醫學中心評鑑的醫療品質暨病人安全
卷期 18:3
並列篇名 Medical Quality and Patient Safety by Medical Center Accreditation
作者 李三剛
頁次 010-015
關鍵字 醫學中心任務指標醫療品質與病人安全病人安全文化新興傳染病task indices for medical centersmedical quality and patient safetypatient safety cultureemerging infectious diseaseTSCI
出刊日期 202405
DOI 10.53106/199457952024051803002




In 2023, 14 hospitals in Taipei and in the North District of Taiwan applied for Hospital and Teaching Hospital Accreditation for medical center. An analysis and compilation of the implementation results of Task Three of the accreditation of task indices for medical centers, “Excellent Medical Quality and Patient Safety,” revealed 4 categories, 9 standards, and 32 scoring instruction items. The majority of the implementation results met the requirements of the scoring instructions. A few hospitals may not have provided explanations in the accreditation of task indices review information sheet or may have been missing some content, but overall, they demonstrated excellent medical quality and patient safety results. Nevertheless, the proportion of each hospital’s investment in medical quality and patient safety relative to its total revenue varied greatly. The number of reports submitted to the Taiwan patient safety reporting system and other hospital-wide reporting systems also differed greatly among hospitals, possibly due to differences in the patient safety notification categories and procedures prescribed by each institution. These aspects may require clearer definition in the future. The medical center accreditation results demonstrated continued improvement in each hospital’s scores, with the differences gradually narrowing. In total, 13 out of the 14 hospitals that applied for medical center accreditation achieved scores that met the accreditation standards, demonstrating a certain level of excellence, particularly in implementing Task Three’s standards for medical quality and patient safety and achieving good performance. In the future, hospitals should not only implement the medical quality and patient safety goals stipulated by the Ministry of Health and Welfare but also conduct root cause analyses following Taiwan patient safety reporting system in accordance with the Ministry of Health and Welfare's "Root Cause Analyses Operational Procedures for Patient Safety Incidents". Hospitals should identify the root causes of major health and safety incidents or process execution failures and propose specific improvement measures to prevent the recurrence of hazardous incidents.

