
電子商務學報 TSSCI

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篇名 瞭解使用者付費使用線上決策支援之研究
卷期 26:1
並列篇名 Understanding User's Willingness to Pay for Online Decision Support Use
作者 洪新原洪幼力洪斯婷
頁次 075-116
關鍵字 線上決策支援網站理財網站知覺價值模式付費意願Online decision supportonline investment siteperceived value modelwillingness to payTSSCI
出刊日期 202404
DOI 10.6188/JEB.202404_26(1).0003




This study aims to understand the key factors that make users willing to pay for value-added services. We apply the three stages of decision making process proposed by Simon (1960) to the process which the user pays for online decision support. This research extends the perceived value model by adding affective factors and related factors to explore the factors that influence user's willingness to pay for online investment decision support sites. This research surveyed users who had used experience on the online investment sites and collected 284 valid responses. The analytical results indicated that factors influencing the user's perceived value include perceived usefulness, perceived price and perceived ease of use. Additionally, factors influencing the user's willingness to pay for the online decision support use include perceived value, enjoyment and regret.
