
電子商務學報 TSSCI

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篇名 粉絲對YouTube旅遊網紅之擬社會互動和行為反應:整合來源吸引性與內容滿足之觀點
卷期 26:1
並列篇名 Fans' Parasocial Interaction and Behavioral Responses to YouTube Travel Celebrities: An Integrated Perspective of Source Attractiveness and Uses and Gratification Theory
作者 劉瓊如黃文雄郭孟倫唐琬晴陳善珮
頁次 041-074
關鍵字 來源吸引性內容滿足理論擬社會互動網紅資訊傳遞行為Source attractiveness theoryuses and gratification theoryparasocial interactionYouTuberinformation pass-alongTSSCI
出刊日期 202404
DOI 10.6188/JEB.202404_26(1).0002




With the advancement of YouTube and live-stream media, several travel service firms seek travel YouTubers for celebrity endorsement. How to increase online interaction and behavioral responses thus becomes a challenge. Integrating source attractiveness and uses and gratification theory, this study developed an integrated model using parasocial interaction as a mediator. Targeting at fans of top 8 YouTube travel celebrities whose subscribers exceed 100,000 in Taiwan, we collected a total of 600 valid survey responses to test our model. Using structural equation modeling, the results found travel celebrities' similarity and authenticity, fans' gratification of self-presentation and social interaction increase parasocial interaction. Parasocial interaction thus leads to higher purchase intention and information pass-along behaviors. Also, for fans high in self-presentation gratification, highly authentic travel celebrities induce higher purchase intention; for fans high in social interaction gratification, the endorsement effect of highly similar travel celebrities is more substantial for video sharing behaviors. However, it is worth noticing that high similarity of travel celebrities decreased information pass-along behaviors. Marketing implications and managerial suggestions for future studies are also discussed.
