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篇名 應用設計思考觀點建構手持式鏟具產品創新模式與實現
卷期 24
並列篇名 Application of Design Thinking Viewpoint to Construct Innovative Model and Implementation of Handheld Shovel Product
作者 陳文亮江雅媚姚穎良
頁次 119-136
關鍵字 設計思考產品設計手持式鏟具Design thinkingProduct designHandheld shovel
出刊日期 202312




The occurrence of natural disasters often requires disaster relief personnel to use handheld shovel for excavation and rescue. Traditional shovel lack functions such as sawing, chopping and lighting, and are inconvenient to store and carry, which often affects practicality. Therefore, this study constructs an innovative model for handheld shovel product from the perspective of design thinking. By using case design and prototype production method, a complete presentation of new shovel is presented to improve the shortcomings of existing shovel and endow them with new function and feature. The results show that this multifunctional handheld shovel not only has function such as shoveling, digging, sawing, and chopping, but also has auxiliary lighting to reduce accidents during the night excavation process. It can also be inserted at any time as a warning and positioning device. In addition, the spiral structure design can enhance strength and save volume, making it easy to store and carry. This achievement can meet the needs of different user groups and improve usage efficiency, making it easier and more convenient for disaster relief personnel to complete disaster relief work.
