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篇名 仿生設計椅子之設計特徵研究:以家具購物網站Mollura Home Design為例
卷期 24
並列篇名 Research on Design Features of Bionic Chair: A Case Study of Mollura Home Design
作者 湯雍琳王麗卿
頁次 099-118
關鍵字 仿生學仿生設計椅子設計歐洲家具内容分析法BionicsBionics designChairsEuropean furnitureElements of chair designContent analysis
出刊日期 202312


仿生設計椅子能夠改變空間氛圍,且為城市與自然間建立起橋樑。本研究以內容分析法,探討仿生設計椅子之設計特徵。研究樣本從莫魯拉家居設計(Mollura Home Design)家具購物平台,篩選出105項由歐洲家具品牌設計之仿生設計椅子,以焦點團體法確立類目與構面,由三位信度為0.85以上之編碼者根據椅子的外觀與編碼者的觀看感受,進行分析與編碼,以探討仿生設計椅子之設計特徵。研究結果顯示,實際結構上四區相近,布質單椅佔比最高;設計手法上四區各異,動植物形態仿生佔比最高,多數採結構模仿並使用現代風格進行設計。


Study examines the design features of bionic chair. Research analyzes 105 bionic chairs sourced from the Mollura Home Design platform, various European furniture brands. Through content analysis and focus group discussions, four distinct structural areas were identified. Fabric-upholstered single chairs dominated, and the design approaches varied, with a notable prevalence of biomimicry inspired by flora and fauna. The majority of chairs demonstrated a blend of structural mimicry and modem design styles. This research sheds light on the unique design elements of biomimetic chairs, highlighting their potential to shape spatial experiences and foster a harmonious relationship between urban and natural settings.
