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篇名 以模糊理論探討裝飾材料對建築空間之視覺影響:以高雄市立圖書館總館新灣花園桁架平台為例
卷期 24
並列篇名 Exploring the Visual Impact of Decorative Materials on Architectural Spaces using Fuzzy Theory: A Case Study of New Bay Garden Truss Platform of Kaohsiung Main Public Library
作者 陳清山楊伃喬
頁次 081-098
關鍵字 裝飾材模糊理論圖書館空間Decorative materialsFuzzy theoryLibrary space
出刊日期 202312




Decorative materials form the foundation of constructing space and constitute its outermost layer. There are numerous types of decorative materials with diverse and abundant characteristics, such as whether the decorative material surface exhibits cool or warm tones, transparency, semi-transparency, or opacity, roughness or smoothness, and more. Many of these characteristics cannot be precisely defined, resulting in an ambiguous state within the space. This study employs the concept of membership functions from fuzzy theory to explore and quantify the influencing factors of decorative materials, analyzing their impact on architectural space. The objectives of this study are as follows: 1. Investigate the important factors and weights of decorative material characteristics to calculate the membership function values of spaces. 2. Explore the feasibility of establishing a material evaluation model using fuzzy theory. 3. Study the influence of different factors of decorative materials and their combinations in space on the spatial environment. According to research statistics, the weights of various decorative material factors are as follows: color: 0.33, texture: 0.23, transparency: 0.17, glossiness: 0.14, roughness: 0.13, with the highest weight attributed to "color". At the end of the study, the Kaohsiung Main Library is used as a practical case to validate the assessment model. From the calculated results, it can be observed that the overall spatial membership function value is 0.31, indicating a leaning towards a public space type, which aligns with the current spatial classification. Through this research, it is evident that considering the influencing factors of decorative materials in a space allows for an objective interpretation using the concept of membership function values within fuzzy theory. This study only examines material aspects in library spaces, However there are many other types of spaces and factors that could be explored. Additionally, deeper academic investigations could be carried out on specific individual spatial factors. The research results can provide a reference for designers planning library space and space design learners when arranging decorative materials.
