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篇名 應用狩野模式探討文化旅遊地魅力體驗屬性:以北京南鑼鼓巷為例
卷期 24
並列篇名 Applying Kano Model to Explore the Attractive Experience Attributes of Cultural Tourism Destinations: A Case of Nanluoguxiang in Beijing
作者 劉瑩陳俊智黃佳慧
頁次 025-046
關鍵字 文化旅遊地體驗狩野品質模式狩野權重方法精煉狩野品質模式Cultural tourism destinationExperienceKano modelKano weight methodRefined Kano model
出刊日期 202312




Cultural tourism has become a new highlight of tourism. Through sightseeing one can also enhance your cultural literacy and broaden your knowledge. To explore and explore the attractive experience elements of cultural tourism destinations is important pull to attract tourists to come and consume, and it is also important issue for the operation and management of cultural tourism destinations. Therefore, this study constructs the experience cognitive framework of cultural tourism destinations through in-depth interviews with experts, takes Beijing Nanluoguxiang as the research example, and applies the Kano model of the two-dimensional scale concept to clarify the relationship between tourists’ evaluation of cultural tourism destination experience attributes and satisfaction. The relationship between different qualities can better understand the different needs of tourists for cultural tourism. First of all, through in-depth interviews with experts and tourists, the attractive experience factors and attributes of cultural tourism destinations are summarized. And through the tourists1 actual travel experience in Nanluoguxiang, the experience attributes and satisfaction surveys were conducted. Interaction, culture, uniqueness, and entertainment are summarized as the four dimensions of tourists' cultural tourism experience through expert interviews and focus discussions, and 22 specific experience qualities of cultural tourism are set by designing questionnaires. The Kano quality classification classifies 22 experience quality attributes into different Kano qualities, including: monistic and charismatic qualities, indicating that there are indeed different linear and nonlinear relationships between experience attributes and satisfaction. By integrating the results of Kano’s two-dimensional quality and Kano weight analysis and Refined Kano quality classification, the key attributes of cultural tourism experience are summarized, and the important factors that affect the improvement of tourist satisfaction are identified, so as to strengthen the experience of cultural tourism destinations in the future and improve tourist satisfaction.
