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篇名 市場調查導入CPS模式應用於小吃文創設計策略-「黑白切」專題設計之教學實踐研究
卷期 24
並列篇名 Importing Market Research into the CPS Model Applied to the Cultural and Creative Design Strategy of Snacks: Teaching Practice Research on Thematic Design "Oo-Péh Cut"
作者 曾培育
頁次 001-024
關鍵字 CPS創意問題解小吃文化行銷黑白切文創設計策略專題設計Creative problem-solvingCultural marketing of snacksOo-Péh cutCultural and creative design strategyThematic design
出刊日期 202312




This research is based on CPS creative problem solving, integrates the AIDA marketing model, and expands into the thematic design; it has both divergent thinking and convergent verification to guide students to consider both creativity and industrial value, and formulate design strategies. From the perspective of teaching practice research, the graduation project "Oo-Péh cut" snacks is the topic of the study. In the CPS program, students put forward creative propositions, and then teachers use research methods to guide them to converge and formulate design strategies direction. The research method develops questionnaire tools based on the AIDA marketing model, and uses personal preferences as mediating variable to measure the influence from cognition to preferences, and then deduce factors that enhance the cultural and creative marketing potential. The results of the study found that both product content cognition and cultural perception have a positive impact on personal preferences, which can enhance the recognition of cultural and creative products. It was also found that there were no significant regional cultural differences of, "Oo-Péh cut" snacks. Finally, the analysis results are imported into the action planning stage of CPS, to formulate cultural and creative design strategies, and to determine the form and style of design works.
