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篇名 體育課翻轉教學的合作學習成效驗證
卷期 47
並列篇名 A Study of Cooperative Learning Effectiveness of Flipped Teaching in Physical Education Class
作者 陳偉瑀張宏明
頁次 054-064
關鍵字 課程設計合作學習知覺合作學習能力curriculum designcooperative learning perceptioncooperative learning ability
出刊日期 202312




Purpose: This study aimed to explore the effectiveness of Cooperative learning perception and Cooperative learning ability on college students' by the flipped classroom designed physical curriculum. Methods: The participants of this study were 240 students selected from 2 physical education programs of curriculums, physical fitness and basketball, on Tak-Ming Institute of Technology for an entire school year. The subjects were administered by Cooperative learning perception of Questionnaire and Cooperative learning ability of Questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Independent-Sample t-test, Pearson product-moment correlation and two-way ANOVA 2×2 (mixed design). Results: 1. The flipped teaching were better in "creative thinking", "information collection" and personal learning satisfaction than traditional teaching. 2. The were positive correlation between cooperative learning perception, cooperative learning ability. 3. The were high cooperative learning perception group better in cooperative learning ability and learning satisfaction than low cooperative learning perception group. 4. This research found attached flipped teaching into college physical education program improved the learn effect in cooperative learning perception of college students. Conclusion: Recommendations for future arrangements in the design of college physical education curriculum, It is recommended to move towards a diversified and team-oriented flipped teaching curriculum design oriented towards diversification and teamwork can effectively improve students' cooperative learning perception and cooperative learning ability also help students improve learning satisfaction.
