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篇名 臺灣城隍信仰與文創產業結合之研究
卷期 47
並列篇名 Research on the Integration of Cheng Huang Belief in Taiwan and the Cultural and Creative Industry
作者 高嘉和
頁次 029-053
關鍵字 城隍信仰文創產業宗教文化Cheng huang beliefThe Cultural and Creative IndustriesFolk religionReligious Culture
出刊日期 202312




This study aims to explore the possibility of integrating the belief of Taiwan's Cheng Huang with the cultural and creative industry, and its impact on the industry. The belief of Taiwan's Cheng Huang is a religious belief that is widely welcomed by the public, and its blessing not only involves religion, but also culture, society and economy. In order to evaluate the influence of this integration on the cultural and creative industry, this study will explore the issue through analyzing literature and conducting in-depth interviews. The results of the study show that there is certain possibility for Taiwan's Cheng Huang belief to be integrated with the cultural and creative industry, which can bring positive impacts to the industry in various ways, such as stimulating the rise of cultural activities, encouraging consumer participation, increasing the supply and demand of cultural products, enhancing the brand image of cultural products, and promoting the development of the cultural and creative industry. The conclusion of this study will be beneficial for government policy makers and developers of the cultural and creative industry to better explore the possibility of integrating the belief of Taiwan's Cheng Huang with the cultural and creative industry, and help promote the development of Taiwan's cultural and creative industry.
