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篇名 九一八事變後的國軍抗日作戰
卷期 47
並列篇名 The Mukden Incident and the War of Resistance Against Japan by the Chinese Army
作者 黃英士
頁次 001-028
關鍵字 九一八事變抗戰不抵抗主義張學良蔣中正The Mukden Incidentnon-resistance policyZhang XueliangChiang Kai-shk
出刊日期 202312




Regarding the study of the "The Mukden Incident", although the Nationalist government's diplomatic representations with Japan are closely related to military operations, they should not be confused with each other. Before clarifying how the Nationalist government dealt with the" the Mukden Incident", we must first recognize Zhang Xueliang's (張學良) role after the "Central Plains War". Historical data show that when Zhang Xueliang emphasized "non-resistance" on September 19, Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) had already issued instructions to his army to use " Right of self-defense" to take self-defense resistance against the invading Japanese army on September 22. The next day, he also Remind Zhang Xueliang to face the enemy's aggression bravely and not hesitate to fight. On the same day, the national government had clearly announced to the Chinese people that it was ready to exercise the right of self-defense. Therefore, since the day when the" Nenjiang Bridge (嫩江大橋) self-defense war" began, the national army had no controversy about " Right of self-defense ". Subsequent resistance was carried out under the legitimate defense concept of the Nanjing Nationalist Government.From a military point of view, the Nationalist government did not have a so-called "non-resistance policy." The argument that Chiang Kai-shek sent a telegram to encourage Ma Zhanshan's (馬占山) anti-Japanese war actions was equivalent to declaring an end to the non-resistance policy is not correct. It is not true that the Nationalist government's "non-resistance policy" was delayed until the "January 28th" Incident, too.
