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篇名 張東初與廿世紀越南明師道德濟宗的發展:以人物為中心的探討
卷期 223
作者 鍾雲鶯
頁次 215-275
關鍵字 張東初明師道德濟宗王道深越南Chang DongchuWang DaoshenVietnamTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202403




In 1863, Chang Dongchu preached Xiantiandao (the Great Way of Former Heaven) religion in Vietnam, naming it Minh S Đ o. His teachings successfully spread and influenced Vietnamese folk religion. This paper aims to explore Chang Dongchu’s discourse about being the founder of the Xiantiandao, and how his followers developed the Tông Đ c T doctrines of Minh S Đ o in the twentieth century. Chang Dongchu was the Xiantiandao’s first proselytizer in Southeast Asian countries, utilizing his success in transmitting this religion’s doctrine and practice as evidence of his legitimacy as a Xiantiandao founder. His follower, Chang Daosin, further developed this religion in Central Vietnam. By founding halls for women believers, Chang’s disciple Cheng Daoqing successfully developed the Xiantiandao in Northern Vietnam. Nguy n Giác Nguyên was critical to the Minh S Đ o’s localization, building the Đ c T Temple (also known as the Nam Nha Temple) and laying a solid foundation for the Minh S Đ o in Southern Vietnam. Wang Daoshen was the nineteenth-generation patriarch of the Dongchu branch of the Xiantiandao, and made a huge impact on the Minh S Đ o’s development. He lived in Vietnam for a long time, prepared a Minh S Đ o certificate of conversion in Vietnamese, and applied to the government to establish the “Lay Buddhist Association of the Nanzong Sect.”
