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篇名 調意曲與早期琴調的音樂性質
卷期 223
並列篇名 Diaoyi and the Musical Features of Early Qindiao
作者 孫俊彥
頁次 001-050
關鍵字 琴調調意曲旋律型終止式diao diaoyimelodic patterncadenceTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202403




Diao, a concept similar to “mode,” lies at the base of qin music. Most qin handbooks from the Ming dynasty contain short pieces known as diaoyi, literally “meaning of diao,” implying their roles in helping players perform such music and understand how diao functions. However, ancient literature has little to say about the musical features of diao and diaoyi. To further understand early diao used during the Ming dynasty, this article focuses on diaoyi collected in the Shilin guangji, Taiyin daquanji, Shenqi mipu and Xilutang qintong as its main source materials due to the fact that they predate other handbooks and might reveal the nature of early qin diao. Furthermore, differences between these diaoyi could indicate possible changes in qin music during long-term practice. By studying diaoyi, this article shows that the idea of early qin diao encompasses a variety of music properties, including not only a scale with a certain ending degree, but also melodic patterns and particular finger positions, as well as layouts of musical colors and cadences. These findings can help present-day qin performers to reconstruct music from ancient tablatures.
