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篇名 公司治理評鑑指標對內部人交易報酬之影響
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 The Influence of Corporate Governance Evaluation Index Ranking on Insider Trading Profit
作者 陳致維趙雅儀蔡秋田
頁次 138-149
關鍵字 公司治理評鑑指標內部人交易事件研究法累積異常報酬Corporate Governance Evaluation Index RankingInsider tradingCumulative Abnormal ReturnsEvent Study
出刊日期 202403
DOI 10.6285/MIC.202403_13(1).0010




This study mainly examines the relationship between corporate governance and insider trading profit. The degree of corporate governance can be considered to see whether a company is rigorously managed and adhering to ethical business practices. According to the corporate governance literature, there is a significant correlation between the degree of corporate governance and corporate financial fraud or illegal activities. Whether good corporate governance can inhibit profits from insider trading is the topic this article intends to explore. We chose Taiwan's listed and OTC companies then divided their insider trading transaction into purchasing and selling groups. The empirical results of this article find that after insiders buy stocks, the company will have positive cumulative abnormal excess returns in the future; after insiders sell stocks, the company will have negative cumulative abnormal excess returns in the future. Among companies in the insider trading selling group, companies with poor rankings in governance evaluation indicators will have insiders selling stocks early to avoid future losses; companies in the insider trading buying group do not have this phenomenon. Therefore, the empirical results of this study confirm that the "Corporate Governance Evaluation Index Ranking" does have reference value for external investors to understand insider trading behavior.
