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篇名 公共服務僕人領導如何激化組織公民行為?領導部屬交換關係和心理安全之雙元中介機制
卷期 20
並列篇名 How Does Servant Leadership in Public Service Intensify Organizational Citizen Behavior? The Dual Mediating Mechanism of Leader-member Exchange and Psychological Safety
作者 童惠玲鄭智謙
頁次 055-085
關鍵字 僕人領導領導部屬交換關係心理安全組織公民行為servant Leadershipleader-member exchangepsychological safetyorganizational citizenship behavior
出刊日期 202312




This study aims to investigate how servant leadership drives greater employee organizational citizenship behavior through the dual mediation mechanism of leader-member exchange and psychological safety. Drawing on a sample of 256 full-time and contracted public service employees working in local governments in middle Taiwan, a two-stage data collection method was used. Results show that: (1) Servant leadership has positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior; (2) LMX mediates the relationship between servant leadership and organizational citizenship behavior; (3) Psychological safety mediates the relationship between servant leadership and organizational citizenship behavior.
