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篇名 汽車專業科目學生的現實挑戰-課堂知識與實際應用的差距探究
卷期 20
並列篇名 Investigating the Gap Between Classroom Knowledge and Practical Application: Real Challenges Faced by Students in Automotive Specialization Courses
作者 張錦勝黃淑琴施依彤李冠宏
頁次 023-053
關鍵字 汽車產業技職教育人才培育半結構訪談Customer Satisfaction8D TheorySix MethodsPZB Customer Service Quality Gap Model
出刊日期 202312




This study aims to explore the handling methods for customer complaints in the service industry, specifically focusing on the context of automotive service centers. In a highly competitive environment, maintaining excellent customer service quality becomes a primary requirement for successful operations, preventing customer churn and establishing a positive reputation. This paper presents a case study on how a particular company utilizes the 8D methodology, Six Sigma, and the PZB customer service quality gap model to address customer complaints in automotive service centers and enhance customer satisfaction. The research findings emphasize the importance of adopting a proactive attitude towards customer complaints and provide a detailed overview of the application of the 8D methodology and the PZB customer service quality gap model. Additionally, this paper explores relevant research studies and offers recommendations for improving service quality to enhance overall business value. By leveraging the outcomes of this study, automotive service centers can learn effective approaches to handle customer complaints and provide reasonable explanations that satisfy customers, ultimately elevating their satisfaction with the service. These methods and recommendations can also be applied to other industries to enhance overall service quality and business value.
