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篇名 董事會、審計委員會開會次數與盈餘管理之關聯性
卷期 20
並列篇名 The Relationship between Meeting Frequency of Board of Directors, Audit Committee and Earnings Management
作者 蕭涵予王茂昌
頁次 001-022
關鍵字 盈餘管理裁決性應計數公司治理董事會開會次數審計委員會開會次數Earnings managementDiscretionary accrualCorporate governanceMeeting frequency of board of directorsMeeting frequency of audit committee
出刊日期 202312




Taiwan amended the Securities Exchange Law in January 2006 to standardize the system of independent directors and audit committees, hoping to use the establishment of independent directors and audit committees to enhance the professional capabilities of the board of directors to strengthen the operation of the corporate governance system. In the past, most research literatures discussed the impact of board characteristics, audit quality, and company performance on earnings management. This paper examines the relationship between meeting frequency of board of directors, audit committee and earnings management of Taiwan-listed companies. The absolute value of discretionary accrual is used as a proxy variable for the measurement of earnings management. The empirical results show that the meeting frequency of the audit committee and earnings management are significantly negatively correlated, indicating that the number of meetings of the audit committee can effectively reduce earnings management.
