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篇名 一九二〇年代大東信託株式會社設立始末
卷期 14
並列篇名 The Establishment Process of Dadong Trust Co., Ltd. in the 1920s
作者 張怡敏
頁次 243-279
關鍵字 大東信託林獻堂陳炘金融韌性金融網絡信託法Dadong Trustfinancial resilienceChen Shin
出刊日期 202112




After the implementation of the domestic trust law in Japan in 1923, there was a trend that the trust law would be implemented in Taiwan, and then there were also several applications for the establishment of trust companies in Taiwan. However, only Dadong Trust Co., Ltd. was allowed to be established. This article takes Dadong Trust Co., Ltd. as the research object, conducts an empirical study on its establishment, and obtains the following findings. First of all, in the formation process of Dadong Trust, the company confronted the financial authorities and even the Taiwan Governor's Office while the trust law had not yet been implemented in Taiwan and the governments did not provide any support. After several negotiations and coordination by Mr. Lin Xiantang and other planners, on the legal source basis, Dadong Trust was finally approved to be established as a general business company in accordance with the Civil Law. However, the content of its trust business was limited to forms such as entrusted management or trading, and it failed to operate the trust registration business based on the Trust Law. Secondly, in the 1920s when Dadong Trust was set up, the society coincided with the chronic downturn in the financial industry, and Taiwan's banking industry was even more caught up in a wave of capital reduction. Bank of Taiwan, the leading Taiwanese bank, not only reduced capital but even closed business for three months for sorting purposes, which caused a rare financial crisis in Taiwan's history --”Showa Financial Panic”. Therefore, in addition to facing pressure from the financial authorities, the establishment of Dadong Trust attracted considerable attention from the leading Taiwanese banks but without optimistic recognition. Nevertheless, in the difficult time of financial reorganization, Dadong Trust still rose against the trend in 1927 and was approved for registration. The financial resilience demonstrated by Dadong Trust showed another appearance of Taiwan's financial industry in the 1920s. Thirdly, in the same period when Taiwan's banking industry was almost dominated by Japanese, Dadong Trust's funder committee was entirely composed of Taiwanese, and the funders' geographic distribution was highly concentrated in Central Taiwan, especially the geographic network combined with Dajia Credit. In addition, the board of directors with decision-making power was mainly from the landlord class in various parts of Taiwan since the Ching Dynasty, but also with experiences in the financial industry. Besides, the board members also led national movements in Taiwan during that period, and actually they were Taiwanese society's bourgeoisies with political and economic strength. In conclusion, in the adversity of the financial turmoil, the crucial force for Dadong Trust to rise against the trend is actually derived from the financial strength and expertise accumulated by Taiwan's local society, as well as the fearlessness in face of the authorities. These factors should be relevant and regarded as necessities to shape and support its financial resilience.
