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篇名 日治時期臺灣水利事業的形成與規劃
卷期 14
並列篇名 The Formation and Planning of the Taiwanese Enterprise Project of Water Works under Japanese Colonial Rule
作者 林煒舒
頁次 167-242
關鍵字 臺灣水利事業計畫臺灣事業公債法八田與一祝辰巳昭和水利事業Taiwanese enterprise project of water worksTaiwanese enterprise government bond actYoichi HataTatsumi IwaiShowa water works project
出刊日期 202112




On March 3, 1908, the “Amendment to the Taiwanese Enterprise Government Bond Act” went through its the deliberation procedure by the Imperial Parliament, and the project of water works was listed in the sixth account of the “Taiwanese Enterprise.” Later, the “Taiwanese Enterprise Government Bond Act, VI. Water Works Enterprise” turned into a term that represents Taiwanese water works. During the period of its existence, the Mino Shīzitóu water works enterprise was implemented in 1908, and the last one was the unfinished Dajiaxi project of water works enterprise. As for engineering related to water works projects, such as ponds and irrigation engineering, river investigations and renovations, afforestation, water control, erosion control engineering, etc., the expenses were all subsidized by the raised funds and surplus expenses. After the 1930s, the surplus expense was returned to the Japanese government year by year to help with filling the financial gap of general accounting. In 1933, due to the low price of rice, which affected the income and competitiveness of Japanese farmers, the central government once considered suspending both the project for increasing Chosen production and Taiwanese water works projects. However, under the condition of not raising funds for new government bonds, the subsidy from surplus expenses and the income from the interest did not have much impact on the operation of water works projects. Based on the above circumstances, it can be seen that between Japan and the colonies, there existed a macroeconomic system that focused on the use of productivity allocation, trade structure, and the implement of economic division of labor. This is the reason why Taiwanese water works project stood out from the colonies from the years of the 1920s to the 1930s. In its initial phase, Taiwanese water works enterprise divided the implementation period into three phases. However, the decision-makers Tatsumi Iwai and Hanpei Nagao had only vague ideas about the second and the third phase. It wasn't until the river characteristics of the nine major rivers were drawn in 1914, the concept gradually became clear. According to the concept, the term “Showa Water Works Project” which appeared in the early postwar period was virtually an adjective, not a really existent implementation project. Due to the reasons of expenses, the second phase of the project focused on the main subjects of water control, rivers, afforestation, investigation, and sand control. In 1938, Yoichi Hatta proposed the project of the third phase, which was more ambitious than Chianan Irrigation and Sun Moon Lake. However, due to the coming of the end of the war in mid- August 1945, Taiwanese water works project was terminated along with the end of Government-General of Taiwan.
