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篇名 再見南國:臺北公會堂的興建及其空間意義之建構與變遷
卷期 14
並列篇名 The Construction of Taipei Public Hall and the Making of its Spatial Symbolism
作者 潘宗億
頁次 105-166
關鍵字 臺北公會堂臺北市中山堂臺北歷史記憶區記憶所繫之處國族認同Taipei Public HallZhongshan HallTaipei Memory DistrictProduction of SpaceRealm of Memory
出刊日期 202112




In the landscape of “Taipei Memory District,” many memorial spaces and objects were constructed in the course of Taiwanese history in the twentieth century. These memorial spaces and objects can be examined as “memory vehicles” or “realms of memory” that materialize and carry Taiwanese people's historical understanding and interpretation of several defining moments in the history of Taiwan from the period of Qing rule through the period of Japanese colonial rule to the period of Guomindang rule. Take Zhongshan Hall as an example, its building was constructed by Japanese colonial government as Taipei Public Hall (Gonghui tang) around the site where once stood the old Office of Governor General of Taiwan (Zongdufu jiutingshe) while it was renamed by the Guomindang government after the Japanese colonial rule. This process not only manifested two decisive moments of political change in the twentieth-century Taiwan, but also involved the working of the politics of the making of space and historical memory. From the perspectives of production of space and memory politics, this article aims to examine the sociopolitical life of Zhongshan Hall as the standpoint of my long-term research on “Taipei Memory District.” This article proposes to examine how the Taipei Public Hall was constructed as disciplinary space of state power during the period of Japanese Colonization. In particular, it looks closely into the transformative process from the destruction of the old Office of Governor General of Taiwan to the construction of Taipei Public Hall by focusing on the function and meaning of the building from the perspective of the politics of the production of space. In doing so, it demonstrates how the place around nowadays Zhongshan Hall was constructed into a stage to display disciplinary power of the ruling regime and its political ideology and discourse under the lager context of Japanese colonization. This article can serve as the foundation to further investigate the construction of the Monument of the Victory in the War of Resistance against Japan and the Retrocession of Taiwan that was built in 1999 as a realm of contesting memories to materialize diverse historical understandings of the War of Resistance against Japan and the Retrocession of Taiwan. It can also be considered as the start point to explore the making of various memorial spaces in the “Taipei Memory District” such as February 28 Monument and Memorial Park, C.K.S Memorial, Ketegalan Boulevard, Monument to the Victims of White Terror, and Anti-Corruption Square.
