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篇名 中國大陸規制竊取虛擬貨幣的定性及其刑罰研究
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 The Research of the Definition of the Regulations for Stealing Virtual Currency and Its Punishment in China
作者 李忠穎陶彥伶
頁次 055-072
關鍵字 虛擬貨幣數位貨幣電腦犯罪非法獲取電腦資訊系統資料Virtual CurrencyDigital CurrencyComputer CrimeIllegally Obtaining Computer Information System Data
出刊日期 202305




Virtual digital currency itself is not money in the general sense, but can be defined as a special virtual goods. In the corresponding cases of stealing virtual currency, there are mainly disputes over the identification of the charges of stealing and illegally obtaining computer information system data. The disputes between the two sides focus on whether virtual currency belongs to the property protected by criminal law and the identification of the amount involved. For such cases, it is suggested to consider the reality that virtual currency itself is prohibited from circulation and transaction in China, and to pay more attention to the legal interests of protecting the security and order of computer system, and to minimize the value evaluation of virtual currency. In the determination of the amount of the theft of virtual currency, it is suggested to adopt the principle in favor of the defendant, avoid touching the value of the virtual currency itself, and choose the lowest between the direct loss of the victim and the actual profit of the defendant's sale.
