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篇名 清代臺灣風俗畫緣起與時代價值以六十七《番社采風圖》與謝遂《職貢圖》之風格論述之
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 The Origin and Historical Value of Taiwan Qing Dynasty Genre painting Discussion of the Style of Liu Shi Qi 《Fanshe Caifeng Tu》 and Xie Sui《Zhi Gong Tu》
作者 李錫敏
頁次 035-053
關鍵字 風俗畫熟番生番番社采風圖職貢圖Genre paintingShu-fanShu-fanFanshe Caifeng TuZhi Gong Tu
出刊日期 202305




“Genre painting” is a type of figure painting. It is named for depicting human social customs and activities; it aims at presenting the content and atmosphere of contemporary mass life, and is a kind of realistic painting that satisfies people's curiosity and enthusiasm. After the Qing Dynasty included Taiwan in its territory, in order to ensure its effective control and management of Taiwan, the current population of Taiwan was divided into four categories:”Hakka”, “Indigenous People”, “ Shu-fan” and “Sheng-Fan”. “Fanshe Caifeng Tu” is a tour of Taiwan censor Liu Shi Qi. During the tour of Taiwan, he went deep into Taiwan indigenous community, and detailed what he saw and heard and used pictures to record it which focuses on situation and realism. “Zhi Gong Tu”by Xie Sui is painted to show national power, symbolize ethnic fusion of culture, and show the significance of the unification of the country. It is biased towards politics and boasting . Although it is the same genre painting as Liu Shi Qi's “Fanshe Caifeng Tu”, the purpose the function are not the same, so the meaning is different obviously, but it has the same important research value in the literature and historical data.
