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篇名 李漁《十二樓》之〈鶴歸樓〉小說研究
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 A Study on Twelve Towers “Homing Crane Lodge” by Li Yu
作者 李依蓉
頁次 017-033
關鍵字 李漁古典小說《十二樓》Li YuClassical novelTwelve Towers
出刊日期 202305




When we talked about Li Yu, we did a lot of research on Li Yu's drama theory, and there are many documents about his preparation. However, there is very little specific guidance on Twelve Towers. Through this novel, we can see the problems of the entire society and bring readers back to China in the seventeenth century. It can read people's dreams, wishes, hopes and love. This article focuses on “Homing Crane Lodge (Hokuei lou)” by Twelve Towers. Through this story can tells us about love in China on the seventeenth century, Love in “Homing Crane Lodge” is complicated, collision in full of between lust and morals. Second, the author in this paper is good at telling a stories that representative at opposition and specious. Therefore, this article not only hopes to use the theory-narratology to account for the literary works, but introduction of the traditional Chinese novels viewpoint to help, that because if only use the narratology is not enough to textual Analysis. As discussed above, this article using the narratology to see how to increase the love story in “Homing Crane Lodge” first, there are different means of expression on novel, after that use character analysis that traditional Chinese novels viewpoint to study conflict and suspense in image shaping. And finally use timeline at later ming dynasty, to research between Explore the era, author's creation, and readers' reading.
