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篇名 兩岸產學合作的比較研究-以本科院校為例
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 A Comparative Study on University-Enterprise Cooperation of Industry-Education Integration Between Mainland and Taiwan -- A Case Study of Undergraduate Universities
作者 李忠穎
頁次 001-015
關鍵字 產學合作校企合作兩岸比較Industry-Education IntegrationSchool-Enterprise CooperationCross-Strait Comparison
出刊日期 202305




The integration of industry and education in Taiwan started first than in mainland China, and now it has developed to a more mature stage. This paper points out the drawbacks of China's current efforts in the integration of industry and education in vocational education by drawing lessons from Taiwan's experience. This paper takes undergraduate universities as an example, draws lessons from the experience of Taiwan, combines with the specific conditions of mainland China, and starts from the aspects of “industry-university cooperation center” in Taiwan, policies and funds of Taiwan authorities, and puts forward suggestions suitable for undergraduate universities to develop school-enterprise cooperation. For example, the article recommends that “act according to the circumstances” , and establish localized “regional industry-academia collaboration center”, to combine regional university and regional economic development feature, also simultaneously encourage the government to loose industry-academia policy, giving universities spaces to identify themselves, changing the dilemma of theory-pursuing universities now are facing, also encourages schools to establish” Innovation incubation center”, to build stronger and wider connection with industry, and create a win-win situation.
