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篇名 《通天混海圖》析論
卷期 221
並列篇名 An Analysis of the Tongtian Hunhai Tu
作者 宋軍
頁次 221-272
關鍵字 「成化禁書」通天混海圖民間教派“The 1475 Forbidden Book List”Tongtian hunhai tupopular religious sectsTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202309




Scholars of Chinese sectarian religion have become increasingly interested in the contents of “The 1475 Forbidden Book List” and its surviving texts, as they can enhance our understanding of the reality of popular religious sects in the fifteenth century and earlier. One of the most valuable texts in the “List” is the Tongtian hunhai tu, which was discovered during the late twentieth century. After analyzing the “List” through both internal and external evidence, this article argues that the Tongtian hunhai tu was written during the early Ming dynasty, and is a book of prophecies about the kalpa-catastrophe, including some motifs of salvation shared by different sects in Ming and Qing China. Therefore, the author argues that this work represents an early sectarian text. Regarding the link between the Tongtian hunhai tu and the “List,” this article summarizes “signs” that may be related to the “List” in Li Bin’s text. Furthermore, it demonstrates that these signs also appeared in the seven existing books from the “List,” including the Tongtian hunhai tu, with the author maintaining that these books are later derivational texts from the “List.” Based on intertextual study, the author shows the links between the Tongtian hunhai tu, Zhaoxianlu jing, and Sansha jiegui jing, thereby proving Cao Xinyu’s hypothesis about the unifying features of “The 1475 Forbidden Book List.”
